tested for Dofus 2.72
Install wine
Install wine using your distro’s package manager.
Download the Ankama Launcher AppImage
You can find it here: Ankama Launcher
Run the launcher:
chmod +x Ankama\ Launcher-Setup-x86_64.AppImage
./Ankama\ Launcher-Setup-x86_64.AppImage
Note: If you’re using NixOS you need the appimage-run package to execute the AppImage.
nix-shell -p appimage-run
appimage-run ./Ankama\ Launcher-Setup-x86_64.AppImage
Connect to your Ankama account and download Dofus
To login you will be redirected to the Ankama website, after you login you will be redirected back to the launcher. I couldn’t login using firefox (my default browser) so I copied the link in chromium and it worked. Once you’re logged in you can download Dofus. There shouldn’t be any problems with the download. Please remember where you install the game since it will be needed later.
Run Dofus
After the download is complete you can run Dofus from the launcher.But you’ll probably stunble upon a problem on the class selection screen. There’s a problem with the video presentation of the characters. To fix this you just need to delete or rename the directory containing the cinematics so the game don’t find them. Move to the game’s directory and rename the cinematics directory:
mv content/gfx/cinematics content/gfx/cinematics_DISABLE
Now you can now run the game from the launcher and it should work fine.You’re just missing the video presentation of the characters (you’re going to see a black rectangle instead) but they are not very important.
Final note
If you’re playing on a restricted network and can’t connect to the game you can change the connection port in the game’s configuration. Run the launcher then go to the Dofus page and click the settings icon under the play button. You can change the connection port from 5555 to 443.